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Home » LASTING at PLATE Product Lifetimes and the Environment conference

LASTING at PLATE Product Lifetimes and the Environment conference

PLATE Product Lifetimes and the Environment is an international, multidisciplinary conference that addresses product lifetimes in the context of sustainable development. It will take place online from 26th to 28th May 2021. LASTING will be strongly presented at the conference with five research papers:

  1. Positioning product longevity in Norwegian environmental policy by Nina Heidenstrøm and Pål Strandbakken
  2. Clothing longevity: The relationship between the number of users, how long and how many times garments are used by Kirsi Laitala and Ingun Grimstad Klepp
  3. Consumer practices for extending product lifetimes by Vilde Haugrønning and Kirsi Laitala
  4. Durable or cheap? Parents acquisition of children’s clothing by Ingun Grimstad Klepp and Vilde Haugrønning
  5. A stock-driven model for assessing environmental benefits of product lifetime extension in Norwegian households by Kamila Krych and Johan Berg Pettersen

These and other interesting conference papers are available online.