Kamila Krych will present the paper “Evaluating the current Norwegian clothing system and a circular alternative” on March 28th 2024, on 6 PM CET. The webinar is hosted by the environmental science journal Resources, Conservation and Recycling. The webinar registration and streaming is available here.
After the webinar, the recording will be available on YouTube at the RCR journal’s dissemination channel.
Kamila Krych is currently in the final year of her PhD in industrial ecology at NTNU, Norway within the Lasting project. She has a master’s degree in industrial ecology and studies the consumption of durable goods by combining industrial ecology methods with insights from consumer research and other social sciences. Her current work focuses on modelling lifetime extension strategies, particularly user-oriented strategies such as reuse, rental, or repair. Her research interests revolve around the environmental impacts of consumption, its social benefits, and the physical and social structures that determine consumption patterns.

Reference to the paper: Mora-Sojo, M. C., Krych, K., & Pettersen, J. B. (2023). Evaluating the current Norwegian clothing system and a circular alternative. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 197, 107109. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2023.107109